Here are a few of my favorite deals at Target this week. Please check your local ad before shopping, as some prices and sales vary by region.
Yoplait Yogurt: 44¢ each
-Use 40¢/6 Yoplait Cups (03/27/2011 SS)
--or 40¢/6 Yoplait Yogurt Cups (02/13/2011)
Final Price: 37¢ each
Yellow Onion: 69¢/lb
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna: 50¢
6 Boxes of Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, and/or Crispex Cereals (Do scenario 9 times - A Thrifty Mom)
-Use (3) $1/2 Kellogg’s Coupon
-And (3) Twice the Value Coupon
OOP: $4.02
-Receive Coupon for 2 FREE Gallons of Milk
** Save UPC’s to get a $10.00 Kellogg’s Fuel Rebate (you’ll need 10 UPC’s to get $10 of fuel) **
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